The Number 1 Issue About The Paleo Diet

Unless you’ve been hiding under a mountain for the past few years, I am very sure you’ve heard of the “Paleo Diet” by now.

I do not really like to actually call it a “diet” because it’s actually just the PROPER manner that we as humans have eaten for almost 1.9 Million years as opposed to the modern-day processed food diet full of grains, sugars and processed vegetable oils.

Whether you have or not, what you probably do not realize is that it is the most rapid growing eating solution on the planet at this moment. From celebrities, chefs, elite athletes, even fitness experts, most are very eager to try it or adopt it.

And for very good reason! Actually no other diet or eating plan gives you so many benefits so fast:

– Increased Energy
– Clearer Skin
– Lean, Muscular Body
– Enhanced Libido
– Greater Mental Clarity
– All Day Stamina
– Better Workouts
– And more

The list goes on forever about the benefits. Speak to anyone who is actually eaten Paleo for an entire full month and chances are, they will rave an speak highly about the changes they noticed seeing in their body.

Now, the number 1 issue!

You see, by far the largest complaint we hear from many who try out the Paleo lifestyle is ‘boring’ or that it’s too difficulty.

Often, many will learn the core principles, experience results but then get stuck eating bland meals of the same foods continuosly over and over again.

Today, that problem is completely solved for you with the something my friends over at Paleohacks have created, their very first Paleo Cookbook!

Go here to try the incredibly delicious Paleohacks Cookbook

Just for your information, Paleohacks is the single biggest online Paleo community anywhere, filled with 10’s of thousands of people actually THRIVING on eating a Paleolithic style and reaping the health advantages it provides.

Inside, you’ll not only get 125+ delicious mouthwatering recipes, they’ve also included some great extras as well to help you get started as quick as possible. Like the bonus “Paleo 4x Cookbook” which lists some fantastic recipes that only require four ingredients to keep it as simple for you as possible.

Not to mention they have a lot of other sweet bonuses, which you’ll see on the page.

There is also an added bonus that aids you solve another huge problem which is how to dine out with buddies and family friends and have a social life, while remaining evidently on Paleo.

And to top it all off, it’s on sale (including well over $100 in bonuses) for THIS WEEK ONLY at almost 30% off.

Want to eat some delicious recipes as soon as TODAY?

Go here to get your awesome Paleo cookbook today

You’re going to enjoy the great Paleo food dish ideas in there!

To your success,

Rob Ramos

4 Ways To Spot Target Fat From Anywhere On Your Body

Most women just cannot help but want the perfect bodies. After all, they see beautiful people on TV and being fat just isn’t something most women appreciate or want. Of course losing weight by dieting & exercise are highly recommended and hopefully you are doing this.

Unfortunately, all this effort and work won’t help much when it comes to actual spot targeting.

These days there seem to be more and more new fat removing surgeries. Some hurt and some don’t. Some cost a fortune and some are relatively inexpensive. Besides opting for a liposuction type of surgery, there is one liposuction alternative secret that really works and has started to become more common among women.

Before you get too excited, please understand that this is NOT an overnight miracle solution.

For most people, they need 6 treatments to get good results. The best part is that these are home treatments and are actually pleasant to use. I’ll tell you the secret product at the end of this article.

For now, I want to make sure you know all of your options so you can choose the one that’s best for you.

Option #1 – Liposuction surgery

A cosmetic surgical operation in which subcutaneous fat is removed from the body by suction. This cost is usually $5,000 or more and recovery time can be up to 8 weeks.

Option #2 – Mesotherapy

An alternative medicine treatment of injecting chemicals just under the skin to stimulate or break down tissues in the mesoderm. This costs ranges from $500 – $1500 per session and it could take up to 6 sessions to get your desired results. They claim no downtime.

Option #3 – Zerona

A non-invasive laser designed for body contouring and is marketed as a liposuction alternative. The Zerona laser is meant to make fat cell membranes more porous to fat, thus allowing for fat excretion. Zerona is typically administered in a medical office in 6 sessions stretched over a two week period. The average cost is $2100. They claim no downtime.

Option #4 – Natural Sculpting System

A cloth spa treatment used at home and is pre-cut for the Abs, Back, Legs, Arms, Chin, Neck and more. The herbal and homeopathic remedies are pre-applied to each treatment. The average cost is $250 for each area. Suzanne the owner is very honest and claims this is not an overnight miracle product and that 6 treatments is needed to see noticeable results.

There is no downtime either.

After reading through all of the information, we recommend trying the least expensive and safest option the Natural Sculpting System. Go to BeatsLiposuctionReview for the details or to contact Suzanne directly. She actually answers the phone if you call.