How You Can Improve Your Physique Without Gym

Have you ever heard of TRX training or suspension workouts? It has become one of the most popular workouts these days and you are starting to see TRX equipment being installed at most gyms.

Most fitness instructors are getting their TRX certification because of the increase in demand for suspension training and workouts that are being requested. The numbers are growing phenomenally.

As more and more people are getting into this form of workout, it is not really necessary to have to join a gym to train TRX. You can get your own suspension straps and workout at home or anywhere you like. All you need is a good anchor point and your straps and you are good to go.

Naturally a gym will have all the equipment for you to use but with the TRX you can slip the door stop over a door that closes towards you and you can get started.

These workouts are super because there is no need for any further equipment like dumbbells, barbells, squad machines, etc. It is actually a revolutionary piece of equipment that is strong and lightweight that you can take it anywhere with you.

Go to the park and strap it to a tree. You now have an excellent anchor point and best of all you are outdoors. Believe me there is nothing better than training outside on a nice sunny morning. You will feel very invigorated.

Another excellent advantage about TRX is that there is no added pressure on your joints. You are just using your own body weight to workout and no extra weights are needed. As you progress, you can easily change the intensity of the workout by just changing your angle. The more flatter you are, the more intense the workout. You will get to this once you are stronger.

There is no needed for any prerequisite training as TRX is for beginners, intermediates and advanced. One of the best TRX workout programs available today is Dan Long’s Suspension Revolution. His workouts are much better than the branded TRX as he has developed over 191 unigue exercises that targets core, strength, balance and endurance.

It is not expensive at and at $37 its a super bargain to start training suspension and getting fit. You will enjoy every minute of as well as the results especially that the workouts are no longer than 45 minutes. Do this 3 times per week and you will be well on you way to getting in shape and looking very good.

There are a variety of suspension straps for sale that range from $30 to $300. Most sets have the straps and an anchor point, others will have carry bags, extra mounting straps, a mount anchor for the ceiling and workouts on DVD. It really depends on your budget. You can browse a range of suspension straps for sale online here.

TRX suspension workouts

A Turbulence Training Body Weight Work Out

Skinny Fit | Health & Fitness Tips To Get Skinny & Toned!

This is a workout from Phase 1 of the 6-Month Bodyweight Workout. These 3 workouts are meant to be done 3 times out of the week with one rest day in between, although for maximum results you could do HIIT on your off days. You should follow this workout program for 4 weeks, and then switch up your workouts. You always want to keep switching up your exercise otherwise your body will get used to the same movements and stop producing results. If you use this program, let me know how it works for you!

[These workouts are meant to burn fat all over your entire body while simultaneously toning and building lean muscle. If you follow these workouts coupled with a clean diet, you will be on the road to getting a Victoria’s Secret body!]

Many Of These Exercises You May Not Know How To Do
Which is…

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Why Craig Ballantyne’s New Weight Loss Program Is A Hit!

Woman Measuring StomachI am sure a lot of have read various reports, articles and reviews around the web about Craig Ballantyne’s latest weight loss program called 6 Minutes to Skinny. You have probably received a few emails about this in the last few weeks as well.

According to the feedback that I have received through my own review of 6 Minutes to Skinny, it is proving to be a hit and very popular with both women and men.

One of the main reasons for this is that it fits right into their busy schedules. Another was that it is easy to follow and that just making a few changes to their current eating routine is proving to be essential to their weight loss goals.

Without the need for any weight loss supplements, 6 Minutes to Skinny shows you how to kick start your body’s own metabolic cycle. How and when to eat when your body feels the need to move. I know this sounds a little far fetched, but there is syncing between your eating and movements.

Having said that, going back to the topic of this post and why this weight loss program is a hit is because it is only 6 minutes per day. That’s right, 6 minutes!

about 6 minutes to skinnyThose that have purchased and started using 6 Minutes, feel that it is the perfect program for their busy lifestyles. They can fit it into their daily routine without going out of the way by adding something extra to their all-ready-busy schedule.

Craig teaches you simple and very effective tips to follow for you to execute each morning. His videos demonstrate various movements and eating tips that will kick start your metabolism for effective fat burning.

You will learn which common foods that you have for breakfast each morning is not doing you any good for your weight even though they are classified as “healthy”. You will be surprised at what these items are. I was speechless at first but after applying what Craig teaches, you will notice your energy levels change and how active you will remain throughout the day.

For more information about 6 Minutes to Skinny, read my review article here.